The South Glos Post website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
South Gloucestershire Council.

Councillors approve action plan to strengthen adult safeguarding system

South Gloucestershire councillors today approved a detailed action plan setting out measures to strengthen the council’s adult safeguarding service following publication of the Winterbourne View Hospital Serious Case Review. The plan builds on the urgent review and improvement action taken when events at Winterbourne View Hospital came to light. It also describes the range of actions that the council will

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Winterbourne View private care hospital, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Board publishes independent report into Winterbourne View abuse scandal

South Gloucestershire’s multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) has published an independent Serious Case Review into the events at the Winterbourne View private hospital in Bradley Stoke. The review was commissioned by the SAB following the disclosure last year of the abuse of adults with learning disabilities and autism at the 24-bed private hospital owned and operated by Castlebeck Ltd. Prepared

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