South Gloucestershire Council.

Council to return to committee system

South Gloucestershire Council will return to a committee system of governance, following a majority decision at Council on Wednesday evening (21st March). The option for the council to return to the committee system from the current Leader and Cabinet arrangements was introduced in the recent Localism Act 2011. The new governance arrangements will be introduced from the Council’s Annual Meeting

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Liberal Democrats

“Power dispersed closer to the people”

South Gloucestershire Council has tonight voted to abolish the undemocratic Cabinet, and to return to a Committee system of governance, where all members are involved in decision-making processes. Councils were forced to disband their committees by the Labour government, but new powers in the Localism Act allowed them to return to collective decision-making. South Gloucestershire is one of the first

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The Conservatives.

“A Black Day for local democracy”

South Gloucestershire residents have been denied a say on a major constitutional change in what has been labelled a “Black Day for local democracy” in the district. Labour and Liberal Democrat councillors voted down a Conservative proposal to consult with the public at tonight’s Full Council meeting (Wednesday 21st March), even though Bristol residents have the chance to vote in

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The Labour Party.

Change “great for democracy and transparency”

Labour councillors in South Gloucestershire have heralded the Council’s decision this evening to scrap its ruling Cabinet and move to a Committee system of decision making which will involve all 70 councillors as great for democracy and transparency. From mid-May, politically proportional committees will make the authority’s key decisions instead of just seven Conservative ‘Executive’ councillors. The decision was made

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The Conservatives.

Youth funding change “could benefit thousands”

Thousands more youngsters could benefit from council funding, under new proposals being considered by South Gloucestershire Council (SGC). The Council’s statistics show that, of the 22,000 young people aged 13-19 in South Gloucestershire, only around 20 per cent regularly accessed a council youth centre in 2010/11. And so the council is consulting on proposed changes to its children, young people

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South Gloucestershire Council.

Core Strategy on track for examination by inspector

South Gloucestershire Council’s Core Strategy is on track for consideration by a Government Inspector, following the end of a final ‘publication period’ on 17th February. The district’s planning blueprint was approved by Council in December, with the seven week publication period providing an opportunity for local people to review and comment on the document in its final form. More than

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The Conservatives.

Council Tax frozen for second year running

South Gloucestershire Conservative councillors succeeded in freezing the Council Tax for a second year running at last night’s council budget meeting, pumping more funding into elderly care and rewarding communities that have seen housing growth . At the meeting, all councillors were asked to support the recommendations of the Conservative Cabinet, which included: Freezing the basic Council Tax for a

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