South Gloucestershire Council.

Superfast broadband moves closer for South Glos

The procurement drive for urgently-needed broadband upgrades in the region has begun after two telecoms companies were given the green light to compete for the project. The Department for Culture Media and Sport has selected BT and Fujitsu for its ‘national framework for superfast broadband’, making them the two firms authorised to bid for government and local authority funded broadband

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South Gloucestershire Council.

South Glos to benefit from multi-million Government investment in transport

The West of England councils have been awarded £24 million by the Department for Transport to work with employers, schools, colleges and universities to encourage people to try a different way of getting about. Around £9 million of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) will be spent directly in South Gloucestershire. South Gloucestershire Council will use the money to work

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South Gloucestershire Council.

Local planning blueprint set for public examination

South Gloucestershire’s Core Strategy – the district’s vital local planning blueprint for the next 14 years – takes a step closer to implementation this week with the beginning of its ‘Examination in Public’ by an independent, Government-appointed Inspector. Over 11 individual days (between Tuesday 19th June and Friday 13th July), the Inspector will consider the strategy in detail and hear

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The Conservatives.

New ‘Enterprise Areas’ to drive jobs growth

Conservative councillors have welcomed the formal designation of three flagship ‘Enterprise Areas’ at Filton, Emersons Green and Severnside in South Gloucestershire. At the first meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee earlier this week, councillors voted to create Enterprise Areas to drive sustainable economic growth locally in line with the council’s future development vision set out in its ‘Core Strategy’.

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The Conservatives.

South Glos Council “lived within its means,” say Tories

South Gloucestershire Council “lived within its means” during the last year of the authority’s Conservative Cabinet, it was announced this week. At the first meeting of the council’s Policy and Resources Committee, the authority’s budget ‘Outturn Report’ for 2011-12 was reported as showing an under-spend of £239K, which represents 0.1 per cent of the council’s £180m approved budget. This is

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Chief Superintendent Sarah Crew, District Commander of South Gloucestershire.

New police district commander is on home ground

Chief Superintendent Sarah Crew has been confirmed as the South Gloucestershire Police District Commander. C/Supt Crew has been in the role since November 2011, when C/Supt Andy Francis left the post after seven years to run Avon and Somerset Police’s communications centre. Born and bred in South Gloucestershire, C/Supt Crew has 17 years’ experience in both uniformed policing and CID.

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South Gloucestershire Council.

South Glos Council adopts committee system

South Gloucestershire councillors have adopted a new council constitution introducing a committee system of governance and replacing the previous leader and cabinet arrangements. With effect from Thursday 24th May, the majority of council decisions will be taken by ten committees, made up of elected members drawn from the council’s political parties. Committee members will be allocated according to the political

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