The South Glos Post website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
South Gloucestershire Council.

New green deal for district’s food waste

Food waste collected in South Gloucestershire is set to be converted into valuable renewable energy and organic fertiliser at a single location, thanks to new recycling arrangements introduced this month. All food waste collected from local residents is now being sent to a specialist anaerobic digestion plant in Oxfordshire where it will be broken down by bacteria into useful gases

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South Glos Post.

Kingswood school wins top green accolade from Yellow Pages

Pupils and staff at St Stephen’s Infant School in Kingswood are enjoying their new green accolade: Yellow Pages Recycling Champions for England 2009. They are also looking forward to spending their well-earned £1,000 prize money. Fifty-two schools in South Gloucestershire took part in the Yellow Woods Challenge this year, collecting a total of 16,039 Yellow Pages between them. SITA South

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South Glos Post.

Recycle your Yellow Pages

South Gloucestershire Council and SITA are helping the district go greener by collecting Yellow Pages and other directories for recycling. SITA’s kerbside collections teams will now collect Yellow Pages, other directories and catalogues from households in the green recycling bag. Previously, Yellow Pages were not suitable for use in recycled paper because of the yellow colouring of the pages. In

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