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Cllr Robert Griffin and Cllr Brian Allinson at Severn Beach Station

Rail assurances welcomed by campaigners

Rail campaigners in South Gloucestershire have welcomed assurances by the industry that local services will improve. It follows concerns raised by South Gloucestershire Council’s transport chief about disruption that has been occurring on local rail services, particularly cancellations affecting passengers on key commuter services on the Severn Beach line and the Gloucester-Yate-Bristol Parkway-Bristol Temple Meads line. On various occasions, there

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South Glos Post.

Crown Court jails SouthGlos counterfeiter

A Pilning man has been given an 18-month prison sentence after admitting selling counterfeit clothing, jewellery, handbags, films and games as well as possessing a “chipped” games console. Kane Goodman, aged 36, of Wainbridge Crescent, Pilning, pleaded guilty at Bristol Crown Court last year to 17 charges under the Trade Marks Act 1994 for selling and possessing for sale counterfeit

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South Glos Post.

Severnside action group to be formed

A new group is to be created to tackle the growing problem of traffic in the Severnside area. Campaigners are to approach major local employers about joining the group in an effort to bring together business, the council and members of the wider community. Efforts to set up the group are being led by the Council’s Deputy Leader Cllr Sheila

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