The South Glos Post website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
South Glos Post.

Labour would bring back housing targets, claim Tories

Local Conservative councillors and Green Belt campaigners have criticised confirmation that a future Labour Government would reintroduce regional housing targets. The Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) were a spectacular bureaucratic failure representing an affront to local democracy yet also proving ineffective in getting houses built – house building fell to the lowest level since 1924. The South West RSS proposed 32,800

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South Glos Post.

Green Belt campaigners celebrate victory (Longwell Green)

Longwell Green residents, MP Chris Skidmore and local councillors Christine Price and John Calway are celebrating after saving the local Green Belt from being bulldozed by developers after a hard-fought community campaign. The long-running campaign collected nearly 1,000 petition signatures and a protest demonstration was held with over 200 local residents turning up to show the strength of support for

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South Glos Post.

Petition launched to save green belt (Longwell Green)

Prospective Conservative MP for Kingswood, Chris Skidmore, with local councillors John Calway and Christine Price have launched a petition to stop inappropriate development on Green Belt Land in Longwell Green. Developers are looking to build hundreds of houses on Green Belt land behind Pearsall Road and Williams Close. This is thanks to the Government’s Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) which looks

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