South Glos Post.

South Gloucestershire awarded Fairtrade status

South Gloucestershire has earned the much coveted title of Fairtrade status which means it has made a commitment to supporting Fairtrade products and using products with the Fairtrade Mark. South Gloucestershire Council has worked alongside community organisations, businesses, schools and individuals to pledge to do what they can to support Fairtrade and promote the Fairtrade Mark. There have been a

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South Glos Post.

New pedestrian crossing for Thornbury

News that another safe crossing point is to be installed across a busy Thornbury road has been welcomed by locals. A light controlled ‘puffin’ crossing is to be built across Grovesend Road near the junction of Sibland Road, Thornbury, as part of plans to provide a ‘safer route to school’ for children attending the town’s nearby Crossways Infant and Junior

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