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Opposition as Kingswood industrial estate looks to extend hours

Opposition is growing to plans by a Kingswood industrial estate to increase its hours of operation.

A planning application has been submitted by the owners of the Bridge Road Industrial Estate to extend their hours of operation from 08:00 – 18.00 to 07:00 – 19:00 Monday to Friday and from 08:00 – 13:00 to 07:00 – 17:00 Saturdays.

Local residents already have to put up with noise and disturbance and are concerned about the increased impact of longer working hours.

Conservative councillor for the Rodway ward, Kevin Seager, said:

“We oppose what the owners are proposing because of the impact on local residents who already have concerns about the industrial estate.”

His fellow Rodway colleague, Adrian Millward, added:

“Clearly, the whole point of the existing planning condition that limits the hours of operation is to try and minimise noise and disturbance as much as possible.

Relaxing that condition would make the situation worse for nearby households.”

Source: Conservative Group on South Gloucestershire Council

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