National Highways has announced that the A432 Badminton Road bridge over the M4 motorway will need to remain closed for a further two years to allow the structure to be demolished and replaced.
The bridge, which was built in 1966 and lies on the main road between Bristol and Yate, was closed in July 2023 after “accelerated deterioration and cracking” was found to the south-east underside of the structure.
Nationals Highways has now reported that subsequent detailed and specialist inspections of the bridge have revealed neither strengthening nor refurbishing work would provide a long-term solution.
Both options would take a similar amount of time to complete as a full replacement of the structure, but would only extend the bridge’s lifespan for a limited time.
Instead, the government-owned organisation is opting to install a new bridge that will allow for smoother and safer journeys.
Plans are now under way for a new, 20-metre-wide bridge, that will reconnect South Gloucestershire communities and allow for more sustainable transport options to be considered.

Sean Walsh, route manager for National Highways, said:
“Safety is our number one priority, and our extensive and detailed investigations show that we now need to demolish and replace the bridge.”
“As you will appreciate this is an expensive complex process and we are working with partners to expedite the process as quickly as possible.”
“We fully understand the disruption the closure has and will cause, and we thank people for their patience as we move this project forward as soon as possible.”
“We will continue to work with South Gloucestershire Council to help manage the impact of the closure and to progress with the bridge replacement.”

The project is expected to take about two years. Due to the condition of the current bridge, it will need to remain closed to limit any further damage during the design phase.
Demolition is planned for summer/autumn 2024.
Detailed intrusive investigations have shown extensive cracking of the concrete and damage to the post-tensioning system that has reduced the bridge’s ability to carry traffic without sustaining more damage.
Due to timescales and costs, it is also not possible to install a temporary bridge during the works.
Prior to demolition of the bridge, National Highways will need to divert services embedded in the structure, including a water main, high voltage cables, fibre optics cables, and a gas main.
From January 2024, local residents will see activity on site starting with ecological surveys and vegetation clearance to establish works compounds. It’s hoped construction of the new bridge will be completed in 2025.
National Highways has already engaged with designers and is working with South Gloucestershire Council to consider any sustainable transport opportunities that the new bridge may provide.
South Gloucestershire Council leader Cllr Claire Young said:
“We understand how frustrating this closure will be for residents, however do recognise that it is essential that National Highways carry out this work for the safety of all bridge and motorway users.”
“Our highways team is working closely with National Highways and will continue to work to keep traffic moving as freely as possible around the area.”
Diversion routes, agreed with the local authority, will continue to be fully signed during the closure.
All planned works may be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.
Drivers can obtain up-to-the-minute travel information on local radio, the @HighwaysSWEST Twitter feed, by phoning the National Highways Information Line on 0300 123 5000 or by accessing the Traffic England website.
More information and related links:
- News from the South West (National Highways)
- A432 Badminton Road M4 overbridge closure (SGC)
- Roadworks in South Gloucestershire (South Glos Post)
As the badminton Road bridge is going to be closed for the next 3 years.. what is the council and First bus going to do about re routing a bus to cover the people of Coalpit Heath.
As we have a mile walk each way from St saviours church on weekends. And the people of church rd and Winterbourne have the pleasure of 3 buses a day running past there doors..
And we have nothing at all except a shuttle bus that does not even go into Yate or run at weekends. Something needs to be done. As three years without a decent bus service is not
Bear in mind that South Glos closed Gypsy Patch Lane for “eight months” which ended up being th best part of three years.
If they’re saying three years for this road, it’ll mean six years.
Contractual penalties for failing to fulfil the work don’t seem to be factored into South Glos decisions……I wonder why?
Whilst this extensive work is going on, wouldn’t it make sense to reopen the B4058 Bristol Road so that people have half a chance of getting about without sitting in unnecessary traffic or going miles out of their way! Come on South Glos, use your head.