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Final Core Strategy report expected in June

South Gloucestershire Core Strategy.

Government planning inspector Mr Paul Crysell is expected to deliver his final report on South Gloucestershire’s Core Strategy in June, following a further consultation period that began last Friday (22nd March).

Over the next six weeks he will be inviting members of the public to comment on modifications to the strategy that he believes are necessary to make it ‘sound’ and suitable for adoption by the council.

The Inspector initially proposed a series of modifications to the strategy following the independent examination in public that took place last summer.

He has now revised these following a further hearing day held earlier this month.

In his revised modifications, the Inspector reaffirms his support for the council’s overall housing figures for the district, which provide for 28,355 new homes in the years to 2027. He has not found it necessary to significantly increase housing numbers, as developers proposed at the additional hearing day.

The modifications also confirm his intention to press for a faster pace of development during the years 2012-17, including allocating additional land for development at Morton Way North in Thornbury.

At the additional hearing day, the council argued that there was sufficient housing provision without this course of action but having considered views on the subject, the Inspector says that the changes are needed to ensure the Core Strategy can be made sound.

Consultation on the Inspector’s revised modifications ends on Friday 3rd May. Full details of the modifications and how to submit comments are available from the council’s website at

The revised modifications can also be viewed in hard copy at the council’s One-Stop Shops in Thornbury, Yate, Kingswood and Patchway.

Source: South Gloucestershire Council

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