The South Glos Post website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
South Glos Post.

£1.3m funding boost for South Glos schools

Over 3,000 of South Gloucestershire’s poorest pupils could benefit from a £1.3m funding boost. As part of its annual budget consultation with schools, South Gloucestershire Council has indicated to schools how each of them are likely to benefit from the Coalition Government’s flagship ‘pupil premium’, which aims to target extra resources at the most disadvantaged school children. The ‘pupil premium’

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South Glos Post.

Council Leader meets with David Cameron at No.10

South Gloucestershire Council’s Conservative Leader John Calway met recently with Prime Minister David Cameron at a reception hosted at 10 Downing Street, and discussed the Government’s proposals to give more power to councillors and local residents in South Gloucestershire. The Government’s Localism Bill will lay the foundations for the Big Society by radically transforming the relationships between central government, local

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South Glos Post.

Appeal after assault in Warmley

Police are appealing for witnesses and information after a man was assaulted in Warmley. The incident occurred at around 3.15pm on Thursday 13th February 2011 at the junction of the High Street with Stanley Road, Warmley, directly opposite Webbs cycle shop. A man driving a blue Ford Focus is believed to have been assaulted by the driver of another vehicle

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South Glos Post.

Ministers agree to council demands on housing targets and business rates

Government Ministers have agreed to implement demands put forward by Conservative councillors. Back in the summer 2009, South Gloucestershire Council’s Conservative Cabinet used the Sustainable Communities Act to call on the previous government to scrap the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) and its 32,800 housing target for the district, as well as for small business rate relief to be paid automatically.

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South Glos Post.

Council’s building control service makes life easier for customers

South Gloucestershire Council’s building control service has introduced a range of measures to make the service even more efficient, easier to use and greener. The service is responsible for checking plans and the inspection of work so that it complies with building regulations. These are legal requirements laid down by the government that aim to ensure adequate standards for the

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South Glos Post.

More residents opting for direct payments to tailor care

Residents in South Gloucestershire are increasingly taking advantage of being able to choose individually tailored, social care services under the “direct payments” initiative. Direct payments are designed to give people who have been assessed as requiring social care, and their carers, complete control over how services are provided. Rather than the council deciding what care and support services it believes

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South Glos Post.

South Glos rated one of best performing areas for stroke care

Stroke services for patients and their carers in South Gloucestershire have been rated as one of the best performing in England by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). In 2010, the Care Quality Commission completed a comprehensive review of stroke services across England. The review looked at the services commissioned by Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and local authorities across the entire

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