The South Glos Post website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
South Glos Post.

Successful prosecutions against fly-tippers and litterers

South Gloucestershire Council is continuing its fight against fly-tipping and littering – which costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds each year to clean up – following the successful prosecution of four individuals for committing related offences. Following an investigation, the council brought a prosecution against John Cox, of Redfield Hill, Oldland Common after he fly-tipped six bags of waste

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New man in charge of South Glos CID

A new man has taken charge of South Gloucestershire CID. Detective Chief Inspector Ian Norrie is the permanent replacement for DCI Stephen Tunks, who retired in 2010. Policing is in DCI Norrie’s blood, as both his father and grandfather served in the Metropolitan police. Ian said: “I always thought I would like to follow in their footsteps and joined Surrey

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South Glos Post.

Partnership working delivers safety improvements at Acton Turville

Work to strengthen the bridge at Badminton Station in Acton Turville, which will improve safety for all vehicles and access for agricultural vehicles in the local area, are now complete thanks to a partnership scheme between South Gloucestershire Council and Network Rail. Cllr Brian Allinson, executive member for planning, transportation and the strategic environment said: “We are committed to ensuring

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South Glos Post.

Curfew for counterfeit goods market trader

A South Gloucestershire market trader has been handed a 12 week curfew order after his stall was found stocked with 255 items of counterfeit clothing, including copies of brands like Bench, Henleys and Adidas. Amarjit Singh, 18, of Sutherland Avenue, Downend, appeared before Northavon Magistrates on Tuesday 18th January and pleaded guilty to 14 charges of possessing counterfeit goods for

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South Glos Post.

Kingsfield School to consult on academy plans

Discussions are currently taking place between the Cabot Learning Federation, South Gloucestershire Council and Governors at Kingsfield School about the school becoming part of the Cabot Learning Federation of Academies in September. Kingsfield School, based in Kingswood, could be the fifth school to join the federation which already includes John Cabot Academy, Bristol Brunel Academy and Bristol Metropolitan Academy, with

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