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13th Summer Reading Challenge launched

Libraries across South Gloucestershire are gearing up for this year’s circus-themed summer holiday reading challenge.

Children are being encouraged to read at least six books of their own choice over the school holidays and a website featuring a number of circus-themed adventures will help keep young people inspired during the challenge.

Everyone who completes the challenge will receive a certificate and a medal.

Just visit any library in South Gloucestershire and ask for a free fold out Circus Stars stage set to get you started. There are stickers to collect and lots of fun to be had but if you need any further inspiration then visit your local library for a range of circus-themed events which are taking place including free drop-in sessions:

  • Clowning around: crafts and fun
  • Take to the stage: have a go at some circus skills with Joshua (this activity is suitable for KS2 children only)
  • It’s Showtime! Design and make your own big top (not to scale)

Cllr James Hunt, executive member for communities, said:

“I know that children really enjoy taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge. It’s a great way to keep them entertained over the holidays, but more importantly, we know that taking part in the challenge increases children’s reading confidence, skill, enjoyment and motivation.”

“I hope that children take part in this year’s challenge and visit the library during the holidays – many of which have been extended and refurbished to offer an even better service to our children and young people.”

“Last year more than 4,000 children in South Gloucestershire took part in the challenge so lets hope even more get involved this time.”

For a list of special events being held in conjunction with the challenge visit:

Summer Reading Challenge 2011 – Circus Stars (South Gloucestershire Council)

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