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South Glos Post.

Over 1,500 smokers quit the habit in South Glos

New figures published today show that over 1,500 people in South Gloucestershire quit smoking last year with the help of NHS South Gloucestershire’s Stop Smoking Service, saving lives from illnesses such as lung cancer and heart disease. Results, revealed by the NHS Information Centre, show that 1,532 smokers successfully quit their habit through their local NHS Stop Smoking Service in

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South Glos Post.

Consultation opens on alcohol licensing

South Gloucestershire Council has launched a consultation on its policy regarding licensing people and premises to sell alcohol. The Council is responsible for granting licences to pubs, clubs, events and people. Under the Licensing Act 2003, the Council has to review its Statement of Licensing Policy every three years. The Council is inviting residents to comment on the draft policy.

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Council awarded Customer Service Excellence award

South Gloucestershire Council’s development control, building control, and planning enforcement teams, grouped as development services, have been awarded the Government’s Customer Service Excellence (CSE) standard for their commitment to delivering their services with their customers clearly in mind. The CSE is a national standard which recognises organisations that are firmly focused on customer satisfaction and that go the extra mile

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