The South Glos Post website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
South Glos Post.

National survey finds good levels of dental health in South Gloucestershire

Five year olds in South Gloucestershire enjoy relatively low levels of dental decay compared with children from other areas according to a survey released today. The survey by the new NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme (NHS DEP) for England provides a snapshot of the oral health of five-year-old children. The report NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme for England; Oral Health Survey of

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South Glos Post.

Police and partners check vehicles are safe on the roads (Chipping Sodbury and Yate)

An operation to drive home road safety messages to nuisance drivers in Yate and Chipping Sodbury led to nine vehicles being ordered off the road. The Neighbourhood Team worked with Avon and Somerset Constabulary’s specialist Road Policing Unit, the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA), Avon Fire and Rescue Service and South Gloucestershire Council’s environmental services, road safety and anti-social

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Tockington “track” gets resurfaced

Local campaigner, Matthew Riddle, has welcomed the completion of resurfacing work on the main arterial road through the village of Tockington. Lower Tockington Road was one the roads included in this year’s much larger road resurfacing programme after South Gloucestershire Council’s Conservative administration more than doubled the resurfacing budget from £1.5m to £3.5m. The road’s poor state of repair had

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