The South Glos Post website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
South Glos Post.

Get your electric blanket tested for free

South Gloucestershire residents are invited to have their electric blankets tested free of charge. Testing normally costs at least £20, but South Gloucestershire Council, in partnership with Avonsafe, is offering free testing at The Pavillion, Elm Park, Filton on Friday 18th September. Each year more than 5,000 house fires are accidentally caused by faulty electric blankets and up to 20

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South Glos Post.

Council tax review

South Gloucestershire Council is carrying out a review of the Council Tax Single Person Discounts this month. The council wants to ensure that any council tax relief which is granted, such as 25per cent Single Person Discount, is awarded only to those who are eligible to receive it – and is not paid to any one not entitled because they

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South Glos Post.

Warning about rogue traders

South Gloucestershire Council trading standards officers are warning residents, especially vulnerable ones, to be on the alert for rogue traders. The warning follows a recent rise in complaints about cold calling in the Yate area to point out alleged roofing or structural problems, which need immediate attention, or offering gardening and home maintenance services. Investigations by trading standards officers have

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South Glos Post.

Active scheme a huge success

A scheme designed to help people become more active has been a huge success. The Active Partnership hoped to get 2,000 people taking more exercise over a 12-month period. But nearly 4,000 people – twice the original target – have signed up and committed to being physically active three times a week. The Active Partnership includes South Gloucestershire Council, South

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South Glos Post.

Consultation opens on proposed vehicle activated speed sign in Mangotsfield

South Gloucestershire Council has opened a public consultation on proposals to install a speed activated speed sign on Westerleigh Road in Mangotsfield: It is proposed to install on Westerleigh Road a solar powered vehicle activated sign which will display 30 to westbound vehicles who are exceeding the speed limit. A ‘Side Road Ahead’ sign will also be installed on the

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South Glos Post.

Severn Beach children’s centre takes shape

The £300K development of a children’s centre at Severn Beach Primary School has reached two huge milestones. Not only has planning permission recently been granted to landscape some of the school grounds to create a children’s play area, but this week has seen work finish on the main internal re-modelling work needed to create the children’s centre. Internal re-modelling work

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