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South Glos Post.

New Cadbury Heath CCTV “will change lives”

Local councillors have welcomed the switching on of a CCTV system to monitor an anti-social behaviour hotspot in Cadbury Heath, South Gloucestershire. Funded by South Gloucestershire Council, the two new state-of-the-art cameras have been erected on School Road and Newton Road, after calls from the local community for action to tackle numerous incidences of anti-social behaviour and other more serious

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South Glos Post.

Family tributes to son

Tributes have been paid to 17-year-old Christopher Waldron, from Almondsbury, who died under tragic circumstances last night (Thursday, October 1). Police say his death is not believed to be suspicious. However, in all cases of child deaths, police investigate the circumstances, and are working with their partners and the coroner to establish how he died. Christopher’s mother Karen said in

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South Glos Post.

Work starts on new Cycling City route

Construction work has started on the first new cycle route to be built as part of the Cycling City project in South Gloucestershire. Route 12, (Eastern Link to UWE – Phase 1), connects Frenchay Hospital with the University of the West of England via Filton Road and will eventually extend to Downend and Staple Hill. Improvements on the route involve

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South Glos Post.

New cars for community transport groups

South Gloucestershire Council has provided local community transport groups with seven new cars to help improve access for local residents to facilities such as doctors surgeries, dentists and for social activities such as bingo and dancing. Community transport is a range of transport provided by community-based voluntary organisations, with support from the Council, to cater for local needs which are

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South Glos Post.

Council criticises government RSS contradiction

South Gloucestershire Council’s Conservative planning chief has accused the Labour government of contradicting itself, following its admission of shortcomings in the way it has prepared its controversial planning blueprint for the region. The Government has confirmed plans to carry out a new ‘Sustainability Appraisal’ after admitting flaws in how it has drawn up its latest draft of the Regional Spatial

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